1 ) Authentic, fun adventures in untouched beauty

We believe that the best adventures involve people and places that can’t be googled. Our tours take you away from the guidebooks and into a world untouched, whether it’s a landscape of epic natural beauty or the traditional home of one of our friends – preferably both on the same day! Choose us and you will experience the real Eastern Europe, its timeless traditions, its warm, friendly people and its captivating wild beauty!
2) Extensive local knowledge
It’s human nature that we crave more adventurous destinations, so Polish-born guider, Marcin, is the man to set you on the right road … or track! Having run 4×4, SUV and campervans tours in Eastern Europe for over a decade now, he has the experience to guide you through the do’s and don’ts of such a trip. Let us help you escape the crowds while maintaining the high standards you expect on holiday – from timely tours and trip info to experienced guides, vetted tour equipment and the best of local accommodations and eateries.
3) Your holiday your way

Small group travel means our local hosts and guides can spend time getting to know each and every one of you. Our maximum group size is 9-10 teams and it is often less than this. In the company of like-minded people who have actively chosen to holiday somewhere different, new friendships and perspectives can be shared and there is also scope to adapt our itineraries to personal preference and ability. We also always make sure there is a little time built in for you to spend how you choose. Your holiday, your way!
4) Travel which gives back
Over the last ten years we are UK leader of sustainable model of tourism in Eastern Europe away from the main tourist areas.
5) Our guests love us
Who can tell you better about the experience you’ll have travelling with us than our former guests? Even we can’t quite believe some of the amazing feedback we get. We’ve also managed to impress the odd journalist, winning recommendations from top travel media such as Off Road Magazine, Land Rover World, 4X4 Magazine
6) The boring stuff

Precious vacation time can be ruined by an inexperienced tour company or guide. With Explore Eastern Europe, you get the real deal. We’re a British-registered travel company with 10 years’ + experience. On our tours, we use only the best guides – experienced, personable, knowledgeable, trained and ‘global locals’ with fluent English and a passion for the outdoors, nature, history and people – while all outdoor equipment we use, whether belonging to us or our partners, is carefully vetted.